I'm sitting in front of my laptop with sweat pooling on the keys as I type. Today I ran a new route, a route that I had not run before. I left to take my usual 'round the block' route and passed a road that I've often wondered what was at the end of. Today, I stepped forward for the challenge and I ran towards something I didn't know. I didn't know how much of an uphill there would be.
After two not completely expected days away from running I found it hard to motivate myself. There just wasn't any oomph to be found, this wasn't helped much by Wellingtons wonderful winter weather. Somewhat blustery with small spells of horizontal rain and a nice dark grey sky were some things that kept me from wanting to slip into my running shoes. I made it though, after much pushing and fighting within my head. Now I have to do it all again tomorrow. If your wondering what sort of weather I'll be dealing with on my next few runs.
I believe my run today had the hilliest profile of any run to date, granted it was just down then up it still felt as if it was rather a steep run up. That may or may not have had something to do with my lack of running in the last couple of days. Distance run today - 3.89461248 because I haven't figured out how to tune the map my run people into real measurements. They are American which means that, like Liberia and Myanmar...Burma..., they use the 'imperial' measurements system. Confusing for those that can count, it still means that I almost ran four kilometres(yes, kilometres is spelt that way) today. Still a long way to go to reach my desired mileage(kilometreage?) for the week, but every little bit helps.
It would take a hell of a lot of motivation to get me out running in that Wellington weather. You've obviously got it in you! Keep up the good work mate!