It happened today. It's never happened before. So I was most surprised. It has been a week since I've written anything which, coincidentally, also means that it has been a week since I've laced up my running shoes. This added immensely to the surprise that I got when I got home. It was a good surprise, I didn't get home to find my wife in bed with another man. No, it wasn't a woman either. It was, perhaps, better. Before I fully explain this surprise I need to explain my house or rather the way you get to my house. You go up. Now, it's not as bad as some houses in wellington in that it doesn't have four hundred steps leading up to it. It does however have four wheelchair inaccessible ramps zig-zagging up to the front door. Which is actually not my door. Usually when I get home for a run I'm really tired and my legs don't have any desire whatsoever to be going up hills so I force myself to run up to the door at least 3 times. Now, when I run I don't run far, only about 2k's each time. This often seems to be more than enough to tire me out. I think my level of fitness has something to do with that. Today seemed to be very special; on my run I ran further than I usually manage, stopping to walk a short while only once, and when I got home I did my usual up down up down up. Even though I was huffing and puffing like I was looking for bacon for dinner I still thought to myself that I could have run further and actually kind of wanted to. So I did. Up down up down up again.
This came to me as an extra large, extra special surprise. I actually wanted to run for longer, to run further. I would have thought a week without running would have had a more negative affect on my fitness level or what I'm going to call from now on my 'runability'. It sounds better when you say it aloud. It seems that my fitness level is actually improving, even though my consistency has been lacklustre at best. This was an incredible surprised to me, to find that I actually had a desire to run a little bit further. That same desire didn't happen while I was running though. So I've come to the conclusion that my attitude to running is still the same.
But perhaps that's changing...
yep running is like tends sto grow on you! well done!