You will notice the last post was posted at 2013. On Friday the 20th of April. It wasn't.(Small note, I changed my timezone to what it should automatically have been set at and it 'post dated' my previous posts) It was posted at 1500 on Saturday the 21st of April. You will also notice the URL in the address bar. That's right .CO.NZ, meaning that I am located on the New Zealand portion of blogspot. The American owners, Google, seem to think they are the only time zone. Perhaps they don't want to face the fact that they are, and always will be, behind. Apparently I have to change my timezone. I would have thought a blog at would automatically be in the New Zealand timezone, not the American timezone. Another thing I don't like is the American English spell checker that Google insists on using. I realise that it is an American company, but again, I'm using blogspot.CO.NZ, not blogspot.COM. Also my language setting is set to English(UK) which should mean that colour is spelled colour, not color.
I like to think of myself as not completely retarded, I believe I have the ability to spell. I think I also have a reasonable command of the English language it would be nice if this technology would stop telling me how I should think and just let me think. For example; I'm not a big fan of the British Empire, they did some nasty things. I do however think the British Empire is a lot closer to heaven than the much more insidious American Empire. At the very least you knew where you stood with the British Empire. Mind you that might just be because I'm a young white male. See, I can think for myself. I pity the children of the future, they're going to not know at all how accurate the statement 'ignorance is bliss' is.
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