Tuesday, 10 April 2012

The Return Of The Demon

I decided this morning that it was time to admit defeat. For now at least, I have to face the fact that I have failed. I'm talking, of course, not about my running endeavours which are only beginning but rather about a disgusting and expensive personal habit that I acquired some years ago. I have tried many times in the past to shake this habit and this time I really thought I had managed this. I believe that I will have no choice but to make it work.

I am talking about that beast that torments around a third of the adult male population and is one of the most insidious industries in the history of industries. The tobacco companies. Controlled by only 5 major producers this industry has you in their pocket, provided of course that you bought into their product. If you have ever had the misfortune to be addicted to something you know how much of a winner the first person to sell tobacco was onto. You want another, and only another will do. It reaches a point where you don't only want another, you need another. That's the point I am at at the moment.

I don't want another cigarette, I just have this great big empty spot which I can only fill with a cigarette. At this point in time. I'm hoping that I can use my running to improve my mind. Part of the reason for running every day is to convince myself that I can do things that I really don't enjoy. That they can become a fun and productive part of my life. I believe that coupled with my desire to not pay as much taxes, in 2005 of the $1.6 billion spent on tobacco 70% was sent straight to the taxman. Now I don't begrudge a little tax, I do think that a 70% tax rate is a little high. My best bet, I have concluded is to stop buying them. And so I shall, henceforth, feed the soulless corporations in this world just a little less and also stop contributing so much to MP's overseas travel funds. As a small side note on this I expect to be able to run 10 kms within the next 3 weeks provided, of course, that I manage to keep my hand out of the tobacco box.

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