I had a bit of a busy day today, back at uni after a couple of weeks off, and so I didn't think I would get time to go for a run today. This is mostly because I didn't get up when my alarm went off. Something in the fogginess of dream time said it was ok to let it just go and go. Disappointing I know, however I did end up going for a walk through the botanical gardens. If you haven't been to Wellington then you won't know how awesome this is and so I shall attempt to describe it; Wellington is on a hill, actually it's on a lot of hills, but one of these hills leading down to the harbour(yes, Google, that is how you spell 'harbour') is a rather large wooded area. In this rather large wooded area are a rather large amount of trees and such as well as a few more little hillocks that I shall call hills. So the basic gist of it is that I walked around these hillocks and through these trees for a couple of hours this afternoon. I thought that compensated for not going for a run.
Once we had finished in the botanicals I went to uni and did some study, read some passages and wrote some of another essay due this week. When I had finished that I got a call from my wife saying that the money had come through and could I please pick up some rather odious demon sticks. It was at around half past 8. If you are from New Zealand you would know that the dairy's all close around 8pm since we are now on winter time. If you not from New Zealand you would know a dairy as a convenience store. Oh, and in New Zealand suburban dairy's close around 8pm in the winter time. There is, half way down the hill(I am in Wellington, so everything is either uphill or downhill from where you are) to town, a dairy. I didn't realise that these things close at 8, I either thought or hoped that it would be open until half past 8 or preferably 9pm. So I started running. It wasn't. So I kept on running. I ran all the way down the not insubstantial hill into town, went to a 24 hour dairy and turned around.
I started running back. I got maybe a third of the way up the hill and started walking again. Tricking myself into believing I was walking because of the monumental danger that running up the stairs in pitch black darkness(I exaggerate, it was merely midnight black) might have attached to it. Once at the top of these stairs I decided I should walk a little further and also that I was going to push the button on the traffic lights to wait for that little man to go from angry red into happy green. I can't pretend this was for safety, as there were no cars, it was really to let myself return to myself as the lack of oxygen seemed to have had an adverse effect on my self awareness. Then I had a light jog to the base of another hill that I walked briskly(read ambled) up.
In the end, I did get a run. Not quite the run I was intending to do before breakfast, but a run none the less. Oh, and don't ask me how long it was for I have no idea. I'm going to say 500 m because I believe it counts though it isn't really a run.
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