Saturday, 12 May 2012

Chilly Bin's Inside Out

Yes, yes it is now. There is no way, other than that, to describe today. The temperature in Wellington is apparently 14° I can, however, tell you that you would be hard pressed to get a drink of water from an ice cube in our house. After I got past the snow warning in the living room I carefully negotiated the black ice in the kitchen and I was off. Running. In the cold. It's true, exercise does warm you up and I found that I was a little happier when I got home from my run.

It's still cold here in Kelburn though.

Things I notice: A dog would be useful. There was a man on my run today and he was attached to reasonably large dog. I say reasonably as it was bigger than a poodle even though there was no way it was a Tibetan Mastiff(notice the capitals, those dogs really do inspire respect. Or is it fear? I'm not sure). The thing that I noticed was that there was no way that this guy was going to be able to run slowly. Whether he was just going for a short run or a marathon, if he took his dog he would have to race around the course.

So if anyone out there has a dog that needs exercising(yes, it could be a Tibetan Mastiff) I am offering to take your dog for a run. Here's my(very attractive) Facebook, send me a message, and I will run your dog.

Disclaimer:- You must be either in the Wellington(New Zealand) region or if you are somewhere else, say Moscow, be prepared to ship your dog to me in order for me to be able to conduct fitness exercises with said beastie.

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